라벨이 autom인 게시물 표시


  Telephoto Park Guide It is located on the north end of the riverside between the Wonhyo Bridge and the Seongsan Bridge, and is adjacent to Mapo District. The dunch has a lawn that provides a wide view and a well-organized seating area such as a walkway. In addition, water leisure activities such as windsurfing, water skiing, and motorboating are carried out in the water, and there are cultural sites such as the telephoto expedition and the Temple of Mount Firth in the vicinity, and the World Cup Stadium and Incheon International Airport, which have unlimited potential as a strategic hub area in the northwest region of Seoul. Area : 422,347㎡ ( Bam Island 279,281㎡ not included) Gil Lee: 7.4km (in front of Mancho Chun Bridge ~ in front of Hongzecheon Bridge) Place : Maponarugil 467, Mapo-gu, Seoul (205-4, Telewon-dong) Telephoto Information Center : ☎ 02)3780-0601~4 Facilities and Instructions Sports Facilities Football field 1 side, Volleyball court 2 side, Basketball court 2 side, Vol


  Tung Sum Park Guide Before the Han River Park was created, it was famous for its riverside amusement park. Water sports such as windsurfing, water skiing and motorboating are active in the water, where you can enjoy romance and youth with a cool breeze. Area : 825,000㎡ Gil : 11.5km (Weight Chun Bridge ~ Seoul Clock (Gwangjin Bridge Upstream Land)) Place: 139 Riverside North Road, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea (Jayang-dong 704-1) Tung Sum Information Center : ☎ 02)3780-0521~4 Facilities Sports Facilities Football field 2 side, basketball court 4 side (including disabled 2), tennis court 4 side, badminton court 5 side, foot ball 2 side ( go to the reservation guide for sports facilities ) Gate ball field 4 sides, X-game hall 1 place, outdoor wrestling area 1, fitness center 18 Artificial rock closet (use after submission of application,  shortcut to use guide ) Outdoor Wrestling Ground: Wichi) 400m upstream of Tung Sumhan River Park 內 Swimming Pool (5-minute walk) - By Public Transport: Ge