Tung Sum

Park Guide

Before the Han River Park was created, it was famous for its riverside amusement park. Water sports such as windsurfing, water skiing and motorboating are active in the water, where you can enjoy romance and youth with a cool breeze.

  • Area : 825,000㎡
  • Gil : 11.5km (Weight Chun Bridge ~ Seoul Clock (Gwangjin Bridge Upstream Land))
  • Place: 139 Riverside North Road, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea (Jayang-dong 704-1)
  • Tung Sum Information Center : ☎ 02)3780-0521~4
Sports Facilities
  • Football field 2 side, basketball court 4 side (including disabled 2), tennis court 4 side, badminton court 5 side, foot ball 2 side (go to the reservation guide for sports facilities)
  • Gate ball field 4 sides, X-game hall 1 place, outdoor wrestling area 1, fitness center 18
  • Artificial rock closet (use after submission of application, shortcut to use guide)
  • Outdoor Wrestling Ground: Wichi) 400m upstream of Tung Sumhan River Park 內 Swimming Pool (5-minute walk)

    - By Public Transport: Get off at Tung Fiber One Area on Subway Line 7 and walk upstream for 10 minutes
    - By car: Get off at the parking lot at the front of the Tung Island Information Center and walk for 1 minute

Bike paths
  • Total 18.6km (16.6km bicycle paths, 2km motorways)
Bike rental shop
  • Location : Line 7 Tung Fiber Circle Area 2 and 3 next to the square and the mini-stop Tung Sum No. 1 store
  • Opening Hours : 09:00~18:00 (Flexible use per month)
    (Go to bicycle rental guide
swimming pool
Eyebrow Shop
Water Leisure Sports
Tung Sum Windsurfing Ground
  • Location : Next to the Tung Sumhan River Park tennis court
  • Seoul City Wind Surfing Association : 02-457-3773
  • Seoul Federation of Korea Maritime Boys' Corps : 02-883-2346
  • Korean Association of Social and Physical Education Windsurfing : 02-454-4651
Arirang House
  • Location: Water in front of the pool
  • Facilities : Duck boat, motorboat, restaurant (11:00~02:00)
  • Contact : 02-447-5555
Seoul Thought Maru (Tung Sum Prospect Culture Complex, Tung Sum Looper)
  • 3 canteens, 2 children's playgrounds, 22 drinking fountains, shade film 51, chairs 513, nature learning area 29,140㎡, rose garden 6,040㎡
  • Free wheelchair rental
    • location
      • Tung Sum Han River Park is rented from the "Sharing Marketplace"
      • Jamsil Han River Park is rented from the Adobe Observatory
      • 10 Han River parks, including Guangnaru, Yeoido, Zamwon, Banpo, Yichon, Yanghua, Telephoto, Nanji, and Kangxi, are rented from the information center.
    • Operating Hours : 09:00 AM ~ 18:00 PM
What to keep in mind when using the park
  • Use only as a designated observation
  • Collaring when accompanied by a pet
  • Do not take herbs
  • Quitting Smoking
  • No catering
  • Take back trash (100,000 won penalty for violation)
  • Biking, slow ride inline
  • Use the facility cleanly
  • Don't come in on a motorcycle
  • Don't shout or talk out loud
  • Comply with
General Status
  • Tung Sumhan River Park Information Center : 3780-0521~4
  • Wichi: Guangjin-gu Riverside North Road 139 (Jiayang-dong)
  • Jurisdiction : Guangjin Bridge Upstream Land (Clock) ~ Zhonglangchun Bridge(11.5km)
  • Area : About 825,000㎡
  • Main Facilities : Tung Sum Wall Courtyard (Wall Fountain, Artificial Rock Wall), Swimming Pool, Music Fountain, X-Game Ground, Waterside Stage
    • Access Facilities : Observation Complex Cultural Facility 1, Road Entry and Exit Road 4, Outing Neck 11, Ramp 4, Underground Walkway 2, Sidewalk Viaduct 1
    • Landscaping Facilities : Lawn 335,006㎡, Arbor 3,147 Shares, Shrubs 244,007 Shares, Herbilee Gardens 18,717㎡, Rose Gardens 6,040㎡, Small Creature Habitat 5,800㎡, Lakeshore 50,610㎡
    • Water Facilities : Water Tourism Call Taxi Marina 1, Marina 1
    • Amenities : 3 canteens, 3 parking lots, 21 toilets (moving), 1 (open), 21 drinking fountains, 37 shade screens and pagoras, 2 playgrounds, 322 chairs, 310 parks, etc.
      ※Parking lots: 3 places total 661 sides
  • Go to Tung Sumhan River Park
  • Go to Tung Sumhan River Park Parking Information Guide
  • other travel


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