라벨이 Travel인 게시물 표시


  Telephoto Park Guide It is located on the north end of the riverside between the Wonhyo Bridge and the Seongsan Bridge, and is adjacent to Mapo District. The dunch has a lawn that provides a wide view and a well-organized seating area such as a walkway. In addition, water leisure activities such as windsurfing, water skiing, and motorboating are carried out in the water, and there are cultural sites such as the telephoto expedition and the Temple of Mount Firth in the vicinity, and the World Cup Stadium and Incheon International Airport, which have unlimited potential as a strategic hub area in the northwest region of Seoul. Area : 422,347㎡ ( Bam Island 279,281㎡ not included) Gil Lee: 7.4km (in front of Mancho Chun Bridge ~ in front of Hongzecheon Bridge) Place : Maponarugil 467, Mapo-gu, Seoul (205-4, Telewon-dong) Telephoto Information Center : ☎ 02)3780-0601~4 Facilities and Instructions Sports Facilities Football field 1 side, Volleyball court 2 side, Basketball court 2 side, Vol


  Banpo Park Guide Centered on the Banpo Bridge (Diver Bridge), it is located at the southern end of the riverside between the Hannam Bridge upstream and the downstream is the Operation Bridge, and is 7.2 km long and is adjacent to Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, and Blackstone-dong, Dong-gu. The Moonlight Rainbow Fountain installed on both sides of the Banpo Bridge Bridge in Banpo Han River Park, created by the Hangang Renaissance Project, has a total length of 1,140 m (570 m upstream and downstream) and was listed by the World Guinness Association as the world's longest bridge fountain in 2008, and each time you spew water, it creates a beautiful landscape, offering a variety of things to see and do like a seven-colored rainbow. There are also sports facilities such as a droplet playground, an in-line hub, a football field, and a basketball court. At the southern end of the Operation Bridge, an observation deck is set up where you can admire the wide sky and riverside building forest that


  Park Guide Ichon Han River Park is located at the northern end of the riverside between the Zhonglangchun Bridge in Kumho-dong and the Wonhyo Bridge in Ichon-dong. Adjacent boroughs include Yongsan District's Boguangdong, Servingo-dong, and Ichon 1 and 2-dong, including Oksu-dong, Kumho-dong, Seongdong-gu, and Oksu-dong. Along the perimeter of Hoan Street, reeds, birds of prey and cosmos bloom along the grid, often used as a walking and jogging trail by citizens. Youth Square, X-Games Arena, International In-Line Skating Rink, Basketball Court, Tennis Court, Gate Ball Arena and other sports stadiums for youth are useful as leisure and repositories spaces. In addition, a Han Robbery Experience Center has been established and is used as a teamwork training ground for individual, work, school, etc. Area : 922,185㎡ (Nodle Island 120,462㎡ not included) Gil Lee: 10.2km (in front of Kumho-dong Zhonglangcheon Bridge ~ in front of Ichon-dong Manchocheon Bridge) Lee Chon Information Center


  Park Guide It is located on the southern end of the river between the Banpo Bridge from the Yeongdong Bridge to the Dongho Bridge and the Hannam Bridge, and is 5.4 km long and is adjacent to Gangnam District and Seocho District, where the first downtown of Gangnam is located, Apgu Jeong-dong, Shinsa-dong, and Zamwon-dong. Dunchi is equipped with sports facilities such as track and field fields, football fields, basketball courts, volleyball courts, swimming pools, and fitness centers, so various morning exercises are actively carried out, especially the bike paths, which are 5.4 km long and are a good course for biking while enjoying the scenery with a cool river breeze. The outdoor swimming pool is located in the city centre and has a large number of patrons due to its convenient transportation, and more and more people enjoy romantic water sports such as windsurfing and mota boats in the water. In particular, it has clay courts and a night-lit tennis court. Area : 474,213㎡ Gil Lee: