Park Guide

Ichon Han River Park is located at the northern end of the riverside between the Zhonglangchun Bridge in Kumho-dong and the Wonhyo Bridge in Ichon-dong. Adjacent boroughs include Yongsan District's Boguangdong, Servingo-dong, and Ichon 1 and 2-dong, including Oksu-dong, Kumho-dong, Seongdong-gu, and Oksu-dong. Along the perimeter of Hoan Street, reeds, birds of prey and cosmos bloom along the grid, often used as a walking and jogging trail by citizens. Youth Square, X-Games Arena, International In-Line Skating Rink, Basketball Court, Tennis Court, Gate Ball Arena and other sports stadiums for youth are useful as leisure and repositories spaces. In addition, a Han Robbery Experience Center has been established and is used as a teamwork training ground for individual, work, school, etc.

  • Area : 922,185㎡ (Nodle Island 120,462㎡ not included)
  • Gil Lee: 10.2km (in front of Kumho-dong Zhonglangcheon Bridge ~ in front of Ichon-dong Manchocheon Bridge)
  • Lee Chon Information Center Address : 62 Ichon Road, 72-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea (302-17 Lee Chon-dong)
  • Lee Chon Information Center : ☎ 02)3780-0551~5

Sports Facilities
  • Football field 1 side, basketball court 8 side, badminton court 10 side, foot court 7 side, futsal stadium 6 side (go to the guide to the use of sports facilities)
  • Tennis Court8 Side (Go to Tennis Court's Instructions)
  • Ichon Inline Roller Skating Rink 2 (14,602㎡, shortcut to the guide) - Road track (400m), Bank track (200m)
  • Gate Ball Field 7 Side, Wood Ball Field 1 Side, X-Game Field 1 Side, Physical Training Center 15, Multipurpose Playground 1, Youth Square 1



Bike path: Total 10.2km
Bicycle rental
  • Wichi : Next to Han Robbery Experience Field (Turtle Ship Naruther)
  • Opening Hours : From 09:00 until sunset (change according to season)
  • For 1 person: KRW 3,000 per hour (add KRW 500 for every 15 minutes or more)
  • 2 persons: KRW 6,000 per hour (add KRW 1,000 for every more than 15 minutes)
    (Go to the bicycle rental store guide
Ichon Water Training Ground
  • 2 lifeguard ships, 16 rubber boats for 7 people, 3 rubber boats for 15 passengers, 14 kayaks, 5 canoes
  • Inquiries: ☎ 841-9294 (Korean Youth League)
Water Leisure Sports


Ichon Soccer Classroom: 3 mini-soccer fields
  • Tuition : KRW 60,000 (Childcare, Primary, Secondary) - 1 hour once a week (50-minute lessons, 4 times a month)
  • Membership system (monthly registration system) operation
  • Opening Hours : Weekdays 1pm-6pm, Saturday 9am-6pm, Sunday 9am-11am
  • Inquiries : 795-8049 (Inc.) Cha Bum-keun Soccer Department

  • 2 canteens, 13 toilets, drinking fountains 22, shade film 43, chairs 692, children's playground 2, nature learning area 11,070㎡, bicycle storage 5
  • Stroller and wheelchair rental free
    • location
      • 9 Han River parks, including Guangnaru, Yeoido, Zamwon, Banpo, Yichon, Yanghua, Telewon, Nanji, and Kangxi, are rented from the information center.
      • Jamsil Han River Park is rented from the Adobe Observatory
      • Tung Sum Han River Park is rented from the "Sharing Marketplace"
    • Operating Hours : 09:00 AM ~ 18:00 PM
    • Inquiries : Han River Park Information Center
  • Free use of showers and changing rooms
    • Location : Han River Park Information Center
    • Opening hours : Summer season 8:00-21:00 / Winter season 8:00-20:00
What to keep in mind when using the park

General Status
  • Lee Village Information Center : 3780-0551~4
  • Wichi: Yongsan-gu Ichon-ro 72-gil 62 (Lee Chon-dong)
  • Jurisdiction : In front of the Zhonglangcheon Bridge ~ in front of the Mancho Chun Bridge (10.2km)
  • Area : About 922,185㎡
  • Main Facilities : Cha Bum-keun Soccer Classroom, Roller Skating Rink, Tennis Court, Turtle Sun Na Luther, etc.
    • Access Facilities : Road entry and exit 4, Six-door 1, Underground carriageway 4, Ramp 1, Staircase 3, Sidewalk Viaduct 3
    • Landscaping Facilities : Nature Learning Area 11,070㎡, Rural Landscape Complex 18,000㎡, Lawn 75,254㎡
    • Water Facilities : Marina 1, Water Training Ground 2, Boat Yard 1
    • Amenities : Canteen 2, Parking Lot 4, Toilet 11, Drinking Fountain 15, Shade Shield 27
  • Go to Ichon Han River Park for directions
  • Go to Ichon Han River Park Chuja Information Guide
  • other travel


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